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Jz In Reality
We here at the Ring Lyne cater for all Family
Functions and Parties
We have Irish Traditional Music on most nights during
the week. Check out our events calendar below
We offer a wide variety of Food.
Please check out
our menu
We here at The Ring Lyne have 20 rooms en-suite to
our hostel section.
The Ring Lyne bar, is the place to meet great locals and friends, eat great food and socialise.
The bar with comfortable seating and a friendly atmosphere, serves food, drink and snacks throughout the day from a menu o

Steak Night Wednesday’s
Wednesday night- is grill night Two streaks and bottle for €35 Full Menu here: Click on The Ring Lyne Menu

Pizza Night Tuesday’s
Tuesday night- Pizza Night buy one get one half price. Full Menu here: Click on The Ring Lyne Menu

Function Room
Our Function room holds 50 people sit down meal or 80 for a buffet style. We have held various meeting’s , AGM’s, yoga classes, Traditional Irish music session’s (hosting the famous Semus begly only last summer) This is a multi-functional room that needs
Private Rooms
We have a total of 8 B&B room’s en-suite consisting of a range from double, twin and triple (family) rooms. All newly renovated.
Double rooms – €75 per night B&B
Triple room

A Gin & Whisky Our Contact Information
+01 - 315 - 0006 565 Canal View Society Jz Street La 0005846
Upcoming Events
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